Comprehensive Economic Reports

DC Revenue System
These reports provide background and relevant data about special-purpose revenue funds, non-tax revenue and dedicated tax revenue funds.

DC Statistics of Income
The DC Statistics of Income reports provide statistics on income, deductions, tax and credits reported on individual Form D40 and D40EZ income tax returns by income level and filing status.

DC Tax Facts
DC Tax Facts presents a brief summary of the District's tax structure, tax rates, legal references and other comparative tax data.

Occasional Studies
The Office of Revenue Analysis provides analysis on various topics of interests throughout the year.

Tax Burden Studies
Tax Burden Studies compare the rates and burdens of major taxes in DC with states and other large cities in the US, as well as analyzing the relative tax position of the District compared to surrounding jurisdictions.

Tax Expenditure Studies
Tax Expenditure Reports are published biennially pursuant to DC Law 13-161. The reports include an estimate of revenue forgone resulting from District conformity with the Federal Income Tax Code, as well estimates of all local District tax expenditures. The Tax Expenditure Reviews are published pursuant to DC Law 20-155, which requires the CFO to review all DC tax expenditures (such as abatements, and credits) on a five-year cycle.