The Office of Revenue Analysis provides analysis on various topics of interests throughout the year.
- The Effect of the D.C. Universal Pre-K Program on Maternal Labor Supply
- District of Columbia Tax Comparisons
- Special-Purpose Report
- Non-Tax Revenue Report
- 2017 Dedicated Taxes
- Homeownership Among Senior Citizens in the District of Columbia: 2002 to 2019
- The Effect of LEED Certification Levels on Multi-Family Residential Buildings in the District of Columbia
- The Effect of LEED Certification on Residential and Commercial Office Buildings in the District of Columbia in 2018
- Apartment Rents and the City Tenure of Renters in the District of Columbia
- Evaluating District of Columbia TIF Projects 2002-2019
- The Impact of an Increasing Housing Supply on Housing Prices
- A Study of the District's Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund
- Income Effects of DC's Universal Pre-K Program on Parents of 3- and 4-Year-Olds
- Earnings, EITC, and Employment Responses to a $15 Minimum Wage: Will Low-Income Workers Be Better Off?
- The Fiscal and Economic Impact of Walter E. Washington Convention Center Conference Attendees on the District of Columbia
- The $15 Minimum Wage and the EITC: Policy Interactions
- Neighborhood and Individual Effects of the Housing Production Trust Fund
- The 2015 Expansion of the DC Earned Income Tax Credit for Childless Workers
- Labor Supply (Bunching) Effects of the District of Columbia Earned Income Tax Credit
- Over the Long Run, Has DC Raised Taxes to Finance Higher Expenditure Levels?
- Tax Burden Shifting: What Happened in DC During the 2007-2009 Recession
- Estimating the Effects of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) on the City’s 2018 Income Tax Burdens
- A Study of the District of Columbia's Apartment Rental Market from 2000 to 2015: The Impact of Millennials
- Generational Cohort Housing Preferences
- $15 Minimum Wage in the District of Columbia: A General Equilibrium Analysis of the Economic Impact
- District Retail Sector: Past, Present, and (Possible) Future
- Calimari, Cocktails, and Cars: A Glimpse into the District of Columbia's 10% Sales Tax
- 10% Tax Rate Shares by Industry
- Special Events and DC Sales Tax Revenue
- Publicly Subsidized, Economic-Development Projects Increase Economic Growth in Neighborhoods?
- Briefing Documents
- The Earned Income Tax Credit and Income Mobility in Washington, DC
- The Effect of the District of Columbia Supplemental EITC on Poverty, Employment, and Income Growth
- A Comparative Analysis of Income Statistics for the District of Columbia
- Cover Letter – Status Report on the District’s Capital Asset Replacement Scheduling System
- Status Report on the District’s Capital Asset Replacement Scheduling System